Friday Afternoon Tea with ill.Gates

Hydrated enough? We want to make sure that you are drinking enough… tea. We think you need some more, so “well then have some tea”

This is a few years’ old classic by ill.Gates that has since been remixed by Liquid Stranger, an uber-glitch version by Mr. Bill, and West coast global bass beat-bouncer David Starfire Music. Here is a SoundCloud playlist from MUTI Music to taste several types of bass and glitch tea.

Beauty in the Beats is having a slight laugh for this share because of our memory of interchange with ill.Gates: We went over to say hello during Deja Voom and let him know that “More Tea” was our favorite song of his (this was right before his set… hint hint? ). We reached in our pouch for a BeautyintheBeats sticker to share. Well, the only one left in the pouch we could find in the small window of time? It was the one with our Personal To-Do List on the back side from the airplane ride to Mexico. So, he got that one. A special sticker for a special dude, we guess. . . 

“Be formless, shapeless, like water…” Enjoy this one, and make sure to get some tea!

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