Full length album from Xenolinguist: Multiplicity

From female Denver-based dub-and-bass up and comer Xenolinguist: “This album is an expression of gratitude to all of the significant influences and experiences that molded me. About 85% of this album is composed of original recorded samples and synthesized sounds. These include flute, tin whistle, harmonica, guitar, some amateur didgeridoo playing, many random forms of matter manipulated into sounds, as well as having the opportunity to record my good friend, Alyssa Barnhill, playing cello and violin. Throughout this strange time in history, I’ve been working tirelessly to bring this 10 track album to light. It’s been a journey and I am happy to finally share it with you. I hope you may heal with this album, as I have healed through creating it.”
Released May 18, 2020

Mastered by Ovoid
Artwork by Nate McClennen
Samples/sound design/instrumentation by Xenolinguist ft. strings by Alyssa Barnhill

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