Shanti Planti music releases Rhythm Code 5 VA – 2 1/2 hour goodness

We just love comp albums.

Shanti Planti music label is at it again putting out the international good-goods. From France (2), Israel (2), Australia, Italy, to Cyprus and the West coast + central Texas U.S., this one spans some TALENT. We just love these artists, who have been in and established themselves over the years with their own sound signatures and quality psybass. Each has their own style and has released some extra special stuff!

Some we haven’t heard from in a while, or maybe we saw them at a music festival last year… but some of these guys did not play in the USA, though. Others very rarely… so it’s a release treat culminating in 157 minutes of goodness, with a one-hour mix from Johnny Blue and Bayawaka to really get us in the groove on the final track, #19.

What a comp! Which song is your favorite? Please let us and others know by dropping a comment. You can stream it here if you want to peek but we recommend donating to these guys and purchasing the album from! Happy listening!

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