Wokiksuye: A Tribute to Our Ancestors

Wokiksuye: A Tribute to Our Ancestors

‘Wokiksuye: A Tribute to Our Ancestors’ is an interpretation of four ceremonial Lakota prayer songs that would traditionally be sung during an Inipi (Sweat Lodge) Ceremony. The word “wokiksuye” means “remembrance” or “the act of remembering something.” This album was created to honor and remember the life of Mahto Akicita and to continue his legacy and prayers of helping to inspire the youth and the Native American people to celebrate and honor their traditional teachings and ways of life. Mahto touched the lives of countless people through his spirit and message and we hope that he will continue to do so through these songs.

Shortly after “Beautiful Ways” was recorded, Mahto Akicita tragically passed away. His mother, Unci Maka, along with his step father, A’te, came together with his tiwahe (family) to record three more songs to complete the album and fulfill his vision of sharing Lakota prayer music with the world.

It is our prayer that these songs will bring healing to all those in need and that they may travel far and wide to touch the hearts and minds of all those who listen. We pray that the people of the world will learn from the Lakota teachings and live once again in respect and harmony with each other and with this planet we call home. We pray that the youth be inspired once again to honor their culture and the teachings of their elders and we pray that all those of the Lakota Nation and of indigenous cultures around the world continue to carry the wisdom of their ancestors for the benefit of all humanity.

Wopila Tanka. Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin.

Recorded, Composed & Produced by Pathwey & Iyakuh


Mixed by Pathwey

Mastered by Hacienda Mastering [ www.haciendamastering.com ]

Artwork by Pathwey [ www.pathwey.com ]

Released July 13, 2020

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