Supernatural Rhythms with Eurythmy: Infinitum

EurythmY’s 2020 album transports us into a limitless realm where mercurial hypnotica converges with the raw intensity of experimental psychedelic bass. A surrealistic tapestry of deep rhythms and flowing basslines interwoven with supernatural textures and instrumentals, Infinitum opens the doorways of our most primal dreams as they collide with the fragmented materials of the underworld. From sublime and ethereal basscapes to stomping mid-tempo heaters, EurythmY’s shapeshifting arrangements are an invitation to the fiery dance floor on the other side.

Released January 15, 2020

Written and produced by Kris Thomas
Mastering by Adam Goodlet at Re:Creation Studio
Art work design by Kris Thomas
Released through Shanti Planti
blurb Christian Cortes

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